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Society Connekt | Contact Housing Society Automated Billing Software in Pune, Mumbai


ScbSocietyConnekt Training Programs

Enhance your Society Management skills by learning Society Connekt

Society Management and Accounting Tools.

Every Saturday we offer Free Training to users who want to understand more about leveraging effectively in their society. You can nominate yourself for a training session.

We accept only up to 15 participants for each training session to make the training effective. We reserve the right to cancel a training session if there are no minimum number of participants.

All Trainings are conducted online via the Web. You would need a desktop/laptop with good internet across and a phone connection (preferably a speaker or with a Headset). Training is scheduled for 1 hours- but may occasionally exceed based on participants from the trainees.

Link to the Training session would be sent to email id Registered below after confirmation.

if you have queries over the training, please send mail to Please note these are Not Demo Sessions of ApnaComplex but training sessions. The Training sessions are aimed at existing users/customers of If you are looking for a demo, Please mail your Details to

Name *

Phone Number *

Email *

Society Name *
